Saturday, 26 November 2011


Sunny Filey (actually it was freezing) - the last trip of the season for Minnie.

Summary of the season;

Degree of success at driving about solving crimes and investigating hauntings like on ScoobyDoo:

Crimes solved: 0
Hauntings investigated: 0

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Peak Forest, Derbyshire

First weekend away and with the new bike rack; rode on Pennine Bridleway on Kinder Scout, got lost on way back, BBQ in evening with H and A.  Sat inside!

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Cambridge Site

After the Cambridge Festival (highlight - Richard Thompson and the mad trombonist)

Saturday, 21 May 2011


Yondar, Legbourne
The inaugural camp for Minnie (strictly speaking this was at a house of ill-repute in Grimsby the day before) at Louth.M+P for BBQ.  Walked to t'Splash across the fields, still a pretty good pub.